Friday, April 8, 2011

Warm Weather is Here!!

Ok, I'm sure some of you have had nice weather for awhile now, but here in the northeast, it has finally started to arrive.  I have been looking forward to the nicer weather, so I can be outside more with the kids.  It is so difficult when you have RA and fibromyalgia to go out in the cold (or at least for me).  I also find that I am more tired and I don't want to move when the weather is yucky and it is dark and dreary most of the day.  Now that it is staying lighter longer, I seem to have a little more energy, and I am definitely enjoying that.  Now if I could just convince everyone in my house that I would love to spend that energy on playing instead of housework................ Guess I'll have to work on that.

I have many plans for the next few days and hopefully I can get some things crossed off my list.  I need to rake out my flower garden and replace the mulch. I neeed to clean out the inside of my car, especially where my daughter's crayons melted into the carpet right next to the heat vent.  I need to clean the windowsills, now that I can have the windows open.  Anything else that I can find, so that I can be outside.

This is the time of year that I enjoy soooo much!  Time to be outside, for picnics and cookouts, spending time with family and friends, and hanging out having fun!  What more could a person ask for???????????