Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Day of Remembrance

Today is a day to remember our veterans and those who are currently serving in our military.  They do so much on a daily basis to keep our country safe and make sure that we can continue living the life we live.  They can be away from their families for months at a time and they never complain.  They see this as a duty of theirs and make so many sacrifices.  Many of us couldn't imagine being away from our families for a day or a week, let alone months or a year. 

I have had family members killed in a war, family members survive a war and many friends serve in the military.  I hear stories of survivors and non survivors on a daily basis and it makes me happy/sad/proud, depending on the circumstance.

We should be remembering these people on a daily basis, instead of just a couple of days a year.  They should be in our hearts and our prayers, right along with everything else we are thinking of, at all times. 

To all of our military members and your families -----  THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO!  Your service is appreciated!!

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