Friday, October 7, 2011

The Beginning of Fall, the Beginning of Colds

Oh, what a couple of weeks it has been......................

We got my youngest through the worst of his breathing issues and have been keeping our fingers crossed that it won't happen again.  Then this week he came home from school on Monday with a temperature.  So, I had company on Tuesday.  Not that I minded the snuggle time and the fact that I ended up sleeping most of the day! 

That is one thing that my husband cannot understand.  How can I just sleep the entire day??  I guess when my body decides that it needs rest, it need it.  I'm just starting to listen to my body more and more and ignoring what the type A me thinks I should be doing.  Like now, I should be cleaning my bathroom, but instead I'm resting on the couch writing this post.  My body doesn't really like to move too early in the morning, which is definitely hard with getting three kids out the door (well, five, with my two extras that come over). 

My list of things to do today, besides the bathroom, are laundry, dishes, general pickup of things not in there place and hopefully a little more baking, so I can warm up my house a little bit.  My long term list for this weekend is to finalize our trip to Orlando (all of the little details like transportation, who's meeting us there and is there a washer/dryer in my unit??), working on a realistic budget, so I can start setting more money aside, and paying bills.  Oh, and I'm sure my kids want their allowance from the past 8 weeks!  I really need to work on a schedule for myself as well. 

I think I'll get some worksheets going this weekend, in between playing with my crew and getting some yard work done.  It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend here, so I'm going to enjoy every minute of it!

If you have any ideas of what I can do on any of the above plans, please let me know.  Or share anything that you're trying to implement into your life.

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