I feel as if I conquered the world today! I woke up, made glittersticks for a teacher, got 3 kids off to school, came home and made more glittersticks, did dishes, laundry and cleaned the shower. The reason I feel as if I conquered the world is because my shower has not been cleaned since I broke my foot 8 weeks ago. I guess no one else feels that it is necessary to do any cleaning. I, on the other hand, like things really clean and in their place. I think it's from the RA and fibromyalgia, so if I'm having a bad day, I know that I can go to a certain spot, without my glasses on, and find exactly what I'm looking for by touch. I know, probably too much info! (but that's my life) :)
I have many things to do and I am famous for making lists, but I have also been learning that I need breaks during the day and even with so much to do, it is VERY important for me to take them. It makes life much better when everyone gets home later in the day to have a happy, relaxed mom. Then, of course, the stress returns when I'm helping with homework, getting everyone ready for sports that night and getting dinner onto the table. (we won't even talk about whether or not everyone will eat that meal....)
I have had so many ideas going through my head, as to what direction I want this blog to take and since it's been up for a year and I haven't concentrated on it as much as I would like, I have decided that I need to do this for me. The blog may take some time to find it's way, but I know that I will enjoy every minute of it! I enjoy reading other peoples blogs and making new friends along the way. I feel that life is important and even more important is learning something new everyday. We all need assistance with that and meeting new people and sharing ideas is one step toward making that happen.
I can't wait to see how all of this turns out and can't wait to finalize some of the things that have been going through my head. It should be a lot of fun and I hope you're all ready to join me on that fun.
Until tomorrow.........
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