I was just trying to think of a few things while I was clearing out my email inbox and going through my rss feeds. I have decided that those are two things that I really need to keep up with on a more regular basis. I do get my emails on my phone, but I only deal with the really important ones on there. The others get filtered to my computer, where they sit until I have time. My rss feeds don't sit as long, but sometimes I miss a really good thing, because I didn't get to it quickly enough! That really bums me out......
I have been trying to get really organized lately and I can definitely say that it is a work in progress. I believe that I will take another lesson from my children and say that you learn new things every day and that you can never be perfect, so don't even try! I seem to be telling my kids to just do their best on everything, so why can't I seem to follow that same philosophy?? I think I need to learn to give myself a break and let things slide and realize that there is always tomorrow. Especially with the RA and fibro, I need to learn that my health and family should come first and everything else should come later. You would think that since I have had this for a while now, I would actually have this engraved in my brain, but it is still difficult to do. So, for everyone else out there, who is living with an illness of any kind: RELAX, let things happen as they will and just take your time! The dishes will wait and if someone needs something bad enough, they'll get it done themselves.
Now, I'm off to get some laundry, dishes, cooking, baking and organizing done. If I can accomplish just one thing today, I will feel like I conquered the world :)
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