Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stress in Life

Everyone has stress nowadays, but it's how you handle it that's important.  We had a birthday party weekend, my daughter turned 9, and I thought I had everything under control.  However, my body thought differently.  Even though I had my list, I didn't take enough breaks and relax, so by Sunday night, I was in tears.  I slept while the kids were in school on Monday and then was up half of Monday night, from the pain.  You see, with RA and fibromyalgia, you need to be careful with just about everything and what will work for one person, will not work for someone else.  It's basically a guessing game and that game can also change at a moments notice. 

For me, food and stress seem to be big factors.  I try not to eat too much meat and stay away from a lot of sweets (yes, that's a stressor right there!) and eat lots of fruits, veggies and beans.  As for the stress, well, I do what I can.  Some days, it's easy and other days, well, lets just say "life happens".  The kids are screaming at one another, homework is piling up, housework is piling up, no one likes what I prepared for dinner and don't even get me started about bill paying and making sure THAT can happen! 

My goals when "life happens" is to now curl up with a good book or work on a cross stitch or another craft project.  I try not to think of what needs to be  done or the what ifs, if they're not done and just concentrate on myself.  Does part of myself feel guilty for this?  Yes, but if I don't take care of myself, who will take care of my family?  It all comes down to me being healthy and doing what needs to be done. 

Now, if I could only figure out how to be in multiple places at one time during all of the sports and other activities the kids are involved in................ life would be "perfect"!

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