Monday, June 6, 2011

Vacation Part Two - The Ceremonies

After our long day of travel, I had been ready for a break, but 2 days of ceremonies was not exactly what I had in mind!  No, the ceremonies weren't all day affairs, but when you add in the time it takes to get everyone ready and there early and then the ceremony itself, well, let's just say, it took time.

The first ceremony was the awards and scholarship ceremony and took about 3 hours.  They went through a list of awards and scholarships that the students received and called those students to the stage one at a time.  Lots of speeches on what the award or scholarship entailed and what the student had to accomplish, in order to be chosen.  And my children sat through this, without misbehaving at all!  Who would've thought?

The graduation itself was the next night.  Lots of excitement and a LOT more people were in attendance.  There was a chance of rain and we were outside on bleachers around the football field.  This took a little less time than the night before, but was still two and a half hours.  There were lots of speakers, including one of the alumni and then each student crossed the stage to receive the diploma holder.  Not even the actual diploma!  They wouldn't receive that until after they went into the school and made sure they didn't owe any books, money, etc...... 

I couldn't believe that my youngest stepchild was actually old enough to be graduating!  It was definitely an emotional moment and one that I will remember forever.  I am so grateful that we were able to attend!  My children were so happy to be included and yes, they did behave the night of the graduation as well.  Everyone was so proud of them, including their sisi!

Stay tuned for the next part of my vacation series, in the days to come.........................

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